Quickly and conveniently pay anyone online that you pay today by check.

Online Bill Payment

Bill Payment lets you quickly and conveniently pay anyone online that you pay today by check.

To pay your bills online, simply add the companies and people you want to pay. We use this information to make the payments for your bills. After you add your bills, you can go to the Payment Center. The Pay Bills section lists all of the bills you’ve added. To pay a bill, enter a payment amount and the date when you want the company or person to receive your payment. You can also select this date from the calendar. Pay as many bills as you want at the same time from the Payment Center.

The Fast and Easy Way to Pay Your Bills

Easily add companies

Quick-Add feature lets you add billers
by simply typing the company name and
entering your account number.

Set up reminders

Use reminders to receive messages
when payments are due.

Make recurring payments

Excellent for payments that don’t
change from month to month, like your
car payment or mortgage.


Watch this instructional video to learn more about how to initiate an External Transfer.
Visit our Learning page for more.

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